Today is the day! Candace Fleming shared a wonderful presentation with us!

Please share your wow's, new learning and thoughts about her writing process.  

I can't wait to hear what your thoughts are about our fantastic visiting author!


  1. I thought Candace Flemings presentation was awesome! I learned that a giant squid has a spiky tung. I learned that 5th times a charm she took lots of try's before she got a finish product. Her mane righting tools are her eyes and ears. She challenged us to make a seed story I defiantly will. I learned so much that I don't have the time to right because it will take 1 hour.

  2. I learned many things. First that squid are two inches from when they are born to when they're an adult and they are as big as a school bus. Second that Mrs. Fleming experienced birds taking stuff off someone's cake and wrote a story based on it. Her writing process is very much like ours,just like she said. the blog video,I think was last week or maybe two weeks ago that talked about her and her three legged cat, that was funny.

  3. i didn't know that she loved giant squid. squid are 2 inches when their born. what i thought was funny is that she saw birds steeling food i learned that squid grow to be school bus size

  4. the regular squids are huge, and the baby are tiny! I did not know she was obsessed with giant squids.her righting process was good,i liked how se observed things to right her storys. the story with the birds were funny.

  5. I think her presentation was great. Just because of Candace Flemming I think that the Giant Squid is super cool her rough drafts are very rough. It is cool that the Giant Squid Starts off as a two foot baby and grows to the size of a school bus.

    1. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

  6. I loved her presentation. I liked how she took us through all the steps of writing not just the first step. I can't believe baby squid are only two inches long. It is so weird because it can grow to be the size of a bus! I liked all the detials in the story of how she and her son went to the beach. I liked how she made that into the story about Jack.

  7. It was funny that Mrs. Fleming when she writes she needs popcorn and her dog Oxford.
    Her rough drafts are rough. The eye was the best part. I wonder why she was so obsessed
    with the giant squid. It was funny when she said the birds all went KAW KAW AW KAW!!!

  8. I loved her presentation. I can't believe baby squids are only two inches long because it can grow to be as large a bus! The giant squid has a spiky tongue and THREE hearts. Her rough drafts are very messy. Oxford is so cute. I wonder where Candace Fleming was born. Her writing process is very very very long but she puts hard work in it.

  9. We got to read Clever Jack Takes the Cake and I liked it. The book was based on a true story that happened to Mrs. Fleming and her son, Michael. I liked that we got to see a squid eyeball. It was cool. It is funny that Mrs. Fleming's dog fought a stuffed animal squid. I think it is obvious who won... :0 ; ) : )

  10. I can't believe how many times she had to re write. I always thought that they did it first try. I think that it is harder to write then to draw. I thought it was funny when she said that she kept him up stairs. I also can't believe that a giant squid's eye is as big as a soccer ball!


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