I really love how the preacher listed 10 things about Opal's mom. For fun, you can experiment making a top 10 list about your mom, dad or any important person in your life.  Be sure to start with a capital letter and end with a period. You can read my list about my mom below. Enjoy!

Top Ten List about my mom…
1.       She loves my dad
2.    She loves her two kids and 4 grandkids 
3.    She loves to read
4.    She is very smart
5.    She is beautiful
6.    She loves to play tennis
7.    She is an excellent gardner
8.    She likes to spend time with her family
9.    She is an awesome singer
10.  She is a great teacher


  1. My mom. 1 she is beautiful 2 she is really good at basketball. 3 she is a awesome singer. 4 She is very smart. 5 she is a good gardner. 6 she loves me. 7 she loves my dad. 8 she loves my sister. 9 she loves her parents. 10 she loves my brother.

  2. Abby [ my sister] is 1smart. 2 good gymnast. 3 loves her mom. 4 loves her brother. 5 loves me. 6 love my dad. 7 she's funny. 8 loves to watch my cheer competitions. 9 loves my lazy bag. 10 likes to color with me.

  3. Buddy {My Dog} 1. He is so cute. 2. He loves to swim. 3.His favorite color is red. 4. He loves peanut butter. 5.He loves popcorn. 6. He loves to dig. 7. He loves string cheese. 8. He can play soccer. 9. He loves to play chase. 10. He loves to play with my dad.

  4. Gypsy (my dog) 1. SUPER CUTE!!!!!!!! 2. Loves to run and I mean it. 3. She is TERRIFIED of water.(like to swim in it, not drink) 4.She loves toys. (and bones) 5. She has her own room/hallway but likes mine better. (that means she sleeps in it and comes in whenever she wants) 6. She loves french fries. 7. Her birthday/adoption day is feb 4 2017. 8. She loves people. 9. She likes to chew. (on everything) 10. She a mix. (of some sort) BONUS!!!! she has a boy friend across the street!

  5. Top ten things about my grandmother/Nana.

    1. A good gardner
    2. Loves to play Chinese checkers
    3. Likes to play golf with me
    4. My dads mom
    5. Baker
    6. likes to make crafts
    7. plays pick up sticks with me
    8. needle points
    9. Likes to travel
    10. Likes to play games

  6. My Mom
    1. She loves me and my brother.
    2. She loves my dad.
    3. She is smart.
    4. She loves to do puzzles.
    5. She loves to eat seafood like me.
    6. She loves to spend time with friends and family.
    7. She likes to shop.
    8. Her favorite holiday is Christmas.
    9. She likes to travel.
    10. She can play the piano.

  7. My mom is 1.Likes to eat in her room 2.Likes Justin Timberlake 3. Rarely exercises 4. Has no mom or dad 5. Loves both her kids 6. LOVES music 7. Likes to watch old movies 8. Likes to scare me 9. Is a doctor 10. Has a lot of friends.

  8. My Dad
    1. Loves his family
    2. Works hard
    3. He wrestles
    4. Has been very lucky
    5. Always tries to do the right thing
    6. Helps other people
    7. Is honest
    8. Believes in his children
    9. Supports education
    10. Is tough but fair

    1.she loves soccer
    2.she loves to wear a fit-bit
    3.she loves bla blas
    4.she is so crazy
    5.loves to go shopping
    6.loves New York
    7.loves to act
    8.loves being with her friends
    9.good sport
    10.loves to read

  10. 1.She loves my dad
    2.loves to go out with my dad
    3.she is Peruvian
    4.likes partys
    5.good at tennis
    6.drives a Cadalac
    7.goes to the houstonian
    9. genurus
    10.brown hair


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