Winter break is near!  What are your plans?  What are you looking forward to most?  Are you traveling or staying in Houston?  What are some of your family's traditions that you look forward to every year?  I can't wait to hear what each of you have planned! 


  1. I am staying in Houston. I am looking forward to spending time with my family and friends. My grandmother is coming on Thursday the 14th. I like making cookies with my grandmother.

  2. We actually don't know if we will go anywhere(that's a bad sign). I thought that Costa Rica would be a good place to go,to get out of the cold weather! Christmas is Thanksgiving for us. We eat turkey and cranberry sauce! But some of my family that live in California are coming over for Christmas. So it'll be a great one.

    1. Ha you are not first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Im going to Colorado to ski with my family and grandparents. My family tradition is eating raspberry ice cream. My hole family grandparents to eat the best dinner and open presents.

  4. I am going to Colorado this weekend. I also am going to see the ball drop in New York City. I love making Christmas cookies with my mom.

  5. me and my family is not leaving Houston this Christmas break. But I am going to the Houston racket club with Wynn.I am looking forward to unwrapping all my presents and wrapping other peoples presents. I do not think that I have any plans this Christmas break.

  6. I am here for winter break. I am doing fencing camp for one day. I also am going to New York with my dad. My bro is staying with my grandma and am staying at my aunts house with my dad.

  7. I am staying in Houston for Christmas break. I will be performing with Houston Ballet in the Nutcracker. I am going to learn how to make Vassilopita. It is a Greek New Year's cake with a coin inside. I hope to get the coin and have good luck!

  8. I am going to San Antonio for my brother's hockey game and to see the Alamo. I am celebrating Hanukah at home and we have latkes, play dreidel and light the menorah. We also get a present every night. For Christmas, my mom makes a roast, brussels sprouts and green beans. We will also open presents on Christmas morning.

  9. I am staying in Houston. My brithday is on the 18th and I am doing a hay ride with Carile, Savannah and Lillien. I am allso in the Nutcracker I am a joker and a lamb!

  10. After are songs I am going to duck hunt. My family go to my house and eat.

  11. I am mostly staying in Houston. I may go to Austin. One thing we do on Christmas is go and see the lights in are naborhood they are very pretty. I am so excited!

  12. I'm going to Jackson Hole. We are going with the Dwaches and the Brittens. My family and I are going to ski. Our family tradition is to spend Christmas eve with family. I'm looking forward to seeing my friend Flora.

  13. After and befor cristmas i am going sking.

  14. I am staying in houston. but i am looking forword to seeing my grandperents!!!


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