This week we read The Book of Mistakes and discovered that the main character/artist was very FLEXIBLE!  
Flexibility is seeing and trying many possible actions within a task, and being open, or when one thing doesn't work you try a different way. When you are flexible, you may have to "change the plan" in an instant! The main character/artist  showed us flexibility when her mistakes become part of the picture. The artist's mistakes help change the pictures in important ways, make the picture better, and make the story more interesting. She was willing to try different ways of drawing with her mistakes. 

Please share specific examples of when you have been flexible.  Write 4 to 5 sentence and be sure to check for capitalization and punctuation.


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  2. One time I was saving up for a toy. We could not go to the store ware it was. So we went to a other store. But I still found my toy.

  3. i was flexible wen i tried to make a little cart and we bouth the rong wheels!!!!!!!!!! We had to go back to home depot. we also got spray paint. The other time i was flexible my flight got delad so we had to stop at miami. we were going to the diminican repoblick.

  4. Last year there was a tornado warning and we had to sit in the hall and we missed part of are recess and we didn't complane about it. So I think thats how the HOLE grade showed flexible! Another way in kindergarden we missed 3 activatys. Are teacher said that we were having a flexable day. and so I new that word before they told us it last year.

  5. I was going to a movie. There was a TON of traffic and a wreck. My mom made us skip the movie. At least we got pizza for a substituit.

  6. I was flexible when my family was going to a movie I did not want to see. But we were going I had to have some fun.And i did i got food popcorn ice cream it was only us so i got to run arund.Then the movie was over it was a fun time.

  7. I was flexible when I was at my soccer game I tried to score but I messed. The coach put me on the sidelines. Then I tried again I messed again. Coach put me in on the sidelines again. Then he said you got this and he put me back in. Then I SCORED!!!!!!!!!!

  8. i was flexible when i lost my 2nd football game are team was sad but we kept are chins up even no we lost

  9. when i was reading a book i didn't understand what it said. I tried to recognize it because i thot I've seen it before. But that didn't work so i tried a different way. Instead i sounded out! Also when i drew a picture with permeant marker i drew a dog i messed its feet up. I was flexible and i colored over it when i made the ground. I shortened the leg and made a beautiful oops!

  10. I was flexible when we had to go to colage station for hurricane Harvy. Because we were afraid that my house would get flooded. My cousens also came. After we got back home we were glad to see that our house wasn't flooded.

  11. I was flexible when I made a double decker bus. The top keped falling off. first I tried tape then duck tape. I tried 4 things! Finily Ifound the right thing double sided tape.

  12. I was flexible when TRIED to cut out eyes in art today. At first, [I was pretty terrible] I cut out the weirdest shape! Like a super big [for eyes] round football. I feel like I tried about one MILLION ways before I asked Mrs. Taylor for help. Guess what? I ACTULY MADE A EYE SHAPE! Then, I had the black parts to worry about. They were too BIG, or too small. FINALY! I had made it!! A cute fox eye [and sunglasses] made by ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. I was flexible when I had to go to after school. I had to call my mom an she told me to go to after school. I also flexible when my soccer game . My soccer game got rained out.

  14. I was flexible when I was trying to perswad my mom to buy a toy for me. I said I would be good for the whole month. I said that " you are letting them spend so much on SHOES. why can't I get something for 20 $?" Then she finally let me get it.

  15. I was flexible when at recess when we had to cownt 1 ,2,1,2 because we got far teams.
    I was flexible when i was spos to go to a frended's house but it flooded but i got to spnd
    time with him because i help clean up his house.

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  17. I was in art. I was drawing a picture of a peregrine falcon. I made the head waaaaaaaaaaay to long. Instead i made it something different.

  18. I was flexible when I was learning how to solve a rubix cube.I had to try lots of vidios.I also was flexible in huricane Harve. I could not go outside.√

  19. At the library I was looking for a book. I did not find it.I found a new book.I was so happy!

  20. I was flexable when I tried to scare my sister. It took a lot of planing. But later on I got her. I scard her so bad she almost fell of her bed!


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